36 Hour Forecast: 50 Degree Temperature Drop!
The larger image above is the mean of the individual SREF ensemble members. Click to enlarge.
Periods of rain will continue this afternoon and tonight, then taper off during Saturday morning. There will be some embedded moderate to heavy showers and even the chance for some thunder. The mild, moist air running over what's left of the snowpack and frozen ground will continue to produce areas of fog. The Short Range Ensemble Forecast (SREF) shown above estimates 1.5"-3.0" of rainfall for most of the region, which looks about right. This, combined with snow melt, will result in some street and river/stream flooding issues. A Flood Watch continues into Saturday. As of this writing (11:54 AM), Bradley International Airport has tied their record high of 57 degrees set back in 1913. Highs will be in the mid 50's-low 60's today! Temperatures will drop 50 degrees by Saturday night after an Arctic cold front moves across the region tomorrow. This front will reach northwestern CT after midnight, the Hartford area around 4 AM, and the southeastern corner of CT around 9 AM Saturday. Once the front reaches you it will only take about 4 hours or so for your temperature to drop from the 50's into the 20's! This rapid drop in temperature (i.e. flash freeze) will turn any standing water into ice. In some areas the rain may also end as some light, mixed precipitation. There will be some partial clearing after the precipitation ends Saturday. Sunday & Monday look dry & cold.