Weather Update
(Click to Enlarge).
Forecast is on track from yesterday.
Snow will change to mixed precipitation (i.e. sleet, freezing rain, and some rain in southern CT) from south to north between noon and 2:30 P.M. Freezing rain will produce a layer of ice on everything, creating slick travel. Shoreline will have only brief icing before changing to rain and parts of shore may go right from snow to rain.
A gradual changeover to rain will move northward, reaching all areas by, or during this evening. Some areas northwest of Hartford, including the Farmington River Valley could hang on to freezing rain through 6 pm-7 pm with a quarter inch or so of ice accretion.
High temperatures won't occur until this evening. 35-45 degrees - highest in southeastern CT.
It could become briefly windy this evening in southeastern CT. A northwest breeze will develop everywhere tonight.
Rain will end before midnight, followed by clearing and colder conditions overnight causing any standing water or slush to freeze into ice as temperatures drop into the teens and low 20's by daybreak Thursday.
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